A CHESTER car home hosted a unique event to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

To mark 80 years since the Normandy Landing on June 6, 1944, Deewater Grange on Chester Road welcomed pupils from Dee Banks School for a 1940s-themed party.

At Deewater Grange, RAF veteran Pauline Corner, 85, shared her memories of the war with the children, and explained the meaning behind the special lamp she lit. She told them it represented the bravery and sacrifices of all the men who took part in D-Day, while also celebrating the way countries worked together to restore peace. Upon finding out Pauline was in the RAF, the children also saluted her.

There was also a wartime-themed buffet, plus entertainment from the D-Day Dollies, who sang some classic tunes from the 1940s.

Chester and District Standard: Pauline Corner with Kirstie Farrer lighting the lamp.Pauline Corner with Kirstie Farrer lighting the lamp. (Image: Care UK)

Pauline said: “I felt privileged to be asked to light the lantern; it was an emotional day. In that moment, I reflected on those who lost their lives that day, but also remembered those who survived and are still here to tell their tales.”

Deewater Grange was one more than 100 Care UK homes to take part in the tribute as Care UK partnered with royal pageant master Bruno Peek CVO OBE OPR, coordinator of ‘D-Day 80 Lamp Light of Peace’.

Sally Cooper, Home Manager at Deewater Grange, said: “It was an honour to join this nationwide initiative and mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

“Many residents, including Pauline, have vivid memories of the war, so major anniversaries like these are extremely meaningful to them. Commemorating the anniversary gave everyone a valuable opportunity to reminisce, while sharing their stories with the younger generation – which was beneficial for both sides.

“It really was a heartfelt day for everyone involved. We’d like to say a big thank you to Dee Banks School for joining us!”

The state-of-the-art home provides full-time residential, dementia and nursing care for those in Chester.

For more information about Deewater Grange, contact Customer Relations Manager at Deewater Grange, Andrew Kenny, on andrew.kenny@careuk.com or call 01244 259480. 

For more general information, please visit: careuk.com/deewater-grange.