A DRUG DEALER who tried to destroy evidence in front of police when they raided his home in Cheshire West has been jailed.

Richard Grainger, of Hesketh Drive, Lostock Gralam, was relaxing on the sofa when officers arrived to execute a warrant on Thursday, April 4.

The 46-year-old told officers there were drugs in the house, and when they went off to look, he tried to get rid of others which were right there on the floor.

Officers noticed his ploy and restrained him before continuing their search.  

They managed to find more than five grams of cocaine and more than 23 grams of heroin, as well as £735 cash in his trouser pocket.

They also found four sets of digital scales and other drug paraphernalia, as well as weapons, including knives and a baseball bat.

The combined vale of the drugs was around £2,600, which police say would have been broken down into smaller street deals and sold on at a profit.

Grainger appeared at Chester Magistrates’ Court on Friday, April 5, where he pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply class A drugs, and possession of criminal property.

The case was sent to Chester Crown Court for sentencing on Friday, May 3, where Grainger was handed three years, four months behind bars. 

After the sentencing, Police Constable Matt Uren of Northwich Proactive Team said: “I welcome the sentence handed to Grainger and hope this provides some reassurance the community we're doing all we can to tackle offences of this nature.

“Grainger was found in possession of a large quantity of drugs for onward supply and a substantial amount of cash, which were all seized. This should serve as a warning: crime does not pay.

"We will track you down and hold you accountable for your actions.

“The dangers of illegal drugs cannot be underestimated, and this is why we continue to urge anyone with any information about drug-related offences in their community to get in touch with us. We will do the rest.”