A SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD boy was among three people arrested after police carried out an immigration raid on a nail bar in a Cheshire West town centre.

Officers from Cheshire Police's Western Exploitation Team visited the Witton Street business, Northwich, yesterday (April 4).

Following a number of reports of exploitation in recent weeks, police and immigration officer conducted a joint operation resulting in the arrest of three people.

These included a 30-year-old man taken into custody on suspicion of immigration offences, along with the teenage boy and another man, 31, both arrested on suspicion of assaulting an officer. 

All three remain in custody at this time.

Speaking after the visit Detective Sergeant Paul Huxley, of the Western Exploitation Team, said: “I would like to thank the local community for the information they provided which led to these arrests.

"We treat all reports of illegal immigration and criminal exploitation extremely seriously and are committed to working closely with our partners to tackle the issue.

"Many of these people are extremely vulnerable and they came to the UK for the hope of a better life - instead they are being criminally exploited.

"Following today’s visit, we will work closely with our partners to ensure that all of those who are identified as victims are provided with the help and support that they require."

Anyone with concerns about crime in their local community can contact Cheshire Police via 101 or visit cheshire.police.uk/tua/tell-us-about/soh/seen-or-heard/.