AN 87-year-old Cheshire pensioner who attempted a U-turn on a dual carriageway to avoid traffic and collided with a motorcyclist has avoided jail.

George Green’s victim described the incident as ‘life changing’, having been rushed to hospital following the crash and undergoing various surgeries including having his spleen removed and metal plates inserted into his shoulders.

The retired joiner, of Warrington Road, Hatton, appeared before Chester Crown Court on Friday for sentencing after entering a guilty plea to causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

Max Saffman, prosecuting, told the court how the incident took place on July 28, 2022, at 5.55pm.

“The defendant was traveling in his MG motor vehicle on Chester Road, near Tabley.

“The carriageway was two lanes. The defendant being caught in a traffic jam, did a U-turn to go in a different direction.”

Mr Saffman went on to say the victim was a 39-year-old man who was driving a motorbike in the other direction when he noticed Green’s vehicle heading towards him.

“He broke and turned his bike sideways but collided with the left side of the defendant’s vehicle.”

A witness in a car behind Green confirmed the defendant was ‘trying to avoid the traffic up ahead’ when he turned his car around, crashing into the motorbike.

Cheshire Police and an ambulance were called to the scene of the crash on the A556 Chester Road near to the Windmill pub in Tabley and junction 19 of the M6.

A police officer was said to have conducted an eyesight test at the time of the incident which the defendant ‘immediately failed’ – he was wearing his glasses at the time of this and in a later police interview stated these were ‘scratched’.

The rider was taken to the Royal Stoke University Hospital to receive emergency medical assistance.

Mr Saffman detailed the extent of the serious injuries sustained by the victim which included several broken ribs, his spleen being removed, he required a blood transfusion of six units of blood, metal plates were inserted into his shoulder, and he now has reduced mobility in his left arm.

In a victim personal statement read out to the court, the victim said the incident has left ‘total devastation’ and has been ‘life changing’.

“I am suffering from PTSD causing me sleepless nights. This not only affected me, but my family.”

The statement went on to say how the events following the incident put such a strain on his personal life that the victim’s wife of 17 years left the family home.

He added that at the time of the incident, his wife went over to Green who was sat behind the wheel of his car to ask if he was ok, to which he responded, ‘I am fine and have not done anything wrong’.

Green was interviewed by the police on November 3, 2022, and told officers that ‘at the time of the collision his glasses were scratched’.

The court heard how police also received a letter from the defendant’s opticians confirming the defendant’s eye site met the requirements.

Gareth Roberts, who defended Green, summarised the case as ‘deeply tragic’.

Speaking on his Green’s previous good character, he said: “He has lived a thoroughly positive and productive life.

“He has held a driving licence for 61 years without receiving a single point.”

Mr Roberts said his client, who is now retired, has worked as a joiner since he was 15 and has no previous convictions.

Referring to the incident, he added: “His decision to attempt the U-turn is a decision that will haunt him for the rest of his life.”

The defence barrister also told the courts how Green wakes up most nights ‘racked with guilt’ at the thought of the incident and explained that when he had spoken to the victims partner on the day he was ‘in shock’.

Before concluding the case, Recorder Eric Lamb addressed the defendant who was wearing a navy suit and was joined by his family who sat in the stands.

“You are 87 years old with no previous convictions. So far as your motoring records concern, you hold a licence for 61 years during which you had no matters that would bring you to the courts.

“All of which makes it the more extraordinary that you behaved the way that you did on July 28.”

Mr Lamb added that the defendant had ‘strong personal mitigation’ on his side.

He served Green a 15-month suspended sentence before stating that it was ‘not appropriate’ to impose a community order alongside that.

The defendant is disqualified from driving for a two-year period, however following the incident he did surrender his licence.

Lastly, he will pay £2,400 of compensation to the victim.