THE leader of an Ellesmere Port slimming group who has helped thousands of residents lose weight over the years has been rewarded for her decades of dedication.

Gaynor Budd, a Slimming World consultant who runs her group in Great Sutton each week, is celebrating 30 years in her role after opening it in 1994.

The consultant was recently invited to a VIP day at Slimming World's headquarters with directors and colleagues who had completed over 24 years service.

Gaynor, who is proud to be part of a fabulous organisation, has achieved so many national awards in her career, including group of the year three times, numerous gold awards, winning five holidays and now receiving a 'Decades of Dedication' for long service.

She was congratulated personally by Slimming World founder Margaret Miles-Bramwell.

Losing weight is no stranger to gaynor, who had lost four-and-a-half stone herself.

She said: "At my group at Hope Farm Community Centre Wednesday at 7.30am and 9am I offer support, advice and inspiration for weight loss and a great community feel with like-minded people and a Generous Food Optimising Eating Plan with over 50 years success behind it.

"My job is so rewarding, within a couple of weeks members lives are changing and to be part of their journey to weight loss success is fantastic 30 years on!"

For more information on Gaynor's Group, people are invited to come along or message for more information on 07746 792426.