A HOUSING provider with a site in Chester has achieved top grades in a national accreditation for the fourth consecutive year.

Your Housing Group, based in Warrington, has four Foyers located across the North West; Bridge Foyer in Chester, Verve Place in Warrington, Coops Foyer in Wigan and Ravenhead Foyer in St Helens which were assessed to be both Operationally Strong and Strategically Strong.

The assessment was made by a panel from FOR Youth; The Foyer Federation's nationally recognised quality development programme. Out of 66 members of the Foyer Federation, only nine nine Foyers have attained the strong rating in both areas, with the four YHG schemes collectively representing nearly half of this top level of accreditation (Four out of the nine).

Each site provides safe supported housing to young people aged between 16-25 who cannot live at home, and are at risk of being homeless.

During the FOR Youth assessment a number of key areas were reviewed including, learning/education, work, health, social skills and personal development, before awarding the ‘agreed certification level’ of Operationally Strong and Strategically Strong.

For the standard of housing services provided, Coops saw an increase grading of over 26 percent to 92.3 percent, Ravenhead rose to 88.5 percent from 77 percent, Verve secured a perfect 100 percent from 96 percent the previous year, and Bridge showed commendable growth from 89 percent to 94 percent.

The assessors feedback highlighted that ‘YHG Foyers continue to maintain a high standard in all their services, growing a stronger operational offer’ adding that ‘the consistently strong leadership and influencing ability of the services and wider YHG team enables the Foyers to maintain a level of healthy competition and high standards to push them forward’.

The assessors’ report also credited the robust Advantaged Thinking Culture and cited that the now fully-active Youth Ambassador program was a pivotal focus for YHG Foyers.

Your Housing Group celebrate the work and achievements of their Foyers and young residents each year at the Galactic Awards.

Martin Wright, Head of Supported Housing at Your Housing Group, said: "This accreditation is a fantastic achievement by the teams across our Foyers, and to be just four of nine Foyers to achieve this level is outstanding, and to have done it for four consecutive years is incredible.

"In Foyers we provide a caring home, a holistic development plan and a nurturing and respectful community for young people. We want young people to thrive – not just survive, and our team work hard to create the best possible environment and support to enable this."

Jacque Allen, CEO for Your Housing Group added: "Your Housing Group is committed to supporting the incredible work that goes on across the four Foyers. They really make a significant difference in the lives of the young people, giving them much needed support and guidance and opening up a world of opportunity. This accreditation gives national recognition to the passion and dedication that Martin and his team deliver every day. Well done."