PLANNING chiefs look set to approve an application to turn a house in Cheshire West into a children's home.

Cheshire West and Chester Council has submitted an application to change the five-bed property in School Lane,  Hartford, into residential accommodation for children aged between eight and 18.

If rubber-stamped by the council's planning committee next week, there would be no more than four children living there at any one time, along with two members of staff.

Two objections have been received citing issues such as fear of anti-social behaviour and impact on traffic.

The property was previously a nursing home, but planning permission was granted to turn it into a private residence back in 2012.

A report to the committee said the home would be managed by Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Children’s Services department.  It said staff would function as the children’s carers, preparing meals and taking them to school.

The staff would usually operate as a team of two, on a shift basis. There would then be a registered manager also visiting the property during office hours.

The report said: "The applicant has confirmed that the children who would occupy the property, would do so where they are unable to live with their families, through no fault of their own such as where their welfare would be
prejudiced should they not be provided with suitable accommodation."

The report added that due to the nature of the proposed use, it is not expected that the development would result in a significant increase in visitors or activity at unsocial hours (subject to the number of occupants being limited).

It said there are no changes proposed to the external building and therefore levels of privacy would not be unacceptably affected.

It added: "If the proposal is approved a condition is recommended to ensure that no more than four children/ young adults occupy the property as their main residence any one time, in order to ensure that no intensification occurs in future without being assessed as part of a further planning application.

"The proposed condition would also restrict the age of occupants to eight to 18."