A CHESTER woman who told her Syrian neighbour to “go back to your own country”, has been fined.

Devina Davis, of Henry Place, Newtown, pleaded guilty to causing racially aggravated harassment, alarm or distress using threatening, abusive or insulting words, when she appeared at Chester Magistrates Court.

Jonathan Wilkinson, prosecuting, said the incident took place at around 9.30pm on July 1 when Davis, 37, intervened in an argument and shouted “go back to your own country” to the victim who is from Syria and had been a neighbour of six months.

Defending, Richard Thomas, said Davis was very apologetic.

He said: “She pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and made full admissions.

“She is genuinely shocked and apologetic at what came out of her mouth.

“There have been no other problems since. It seems to be a genuinely isolated incident and she is very embarrassed about what happened.”

Chair of the bench Olga Randall gave Davis a £120 fine. She will also have to pay £135 court costs and a £48 victim surcharge.