A TEENAGER who was found with a weapon at a Chester nightclub was left with a court bill of more than £1,000.

Troy Wilks, 19, a serving soldier at The Dale Barracks, Moston, pleaded guilty at the first opportunity at Chester Magistrates Court on Friday, November 24 to possessing a knuckle duster-style metal bottle opener, listed as an offensive weapon.

Prosecuting, Scott Woodward said it was at 11.15pm on October 31 when Wilks was searched by door staff at Rosies Nightclub and found to have the "make-shift knuckle duster". Police were alerted and arrived at the nightclub.

In police interview, Wilks said he had the weapon with him as he had previously been attacked in the nightclub.

He had no previous convictions.

Wilks, representing himself, said he had told door staff where the weapon was.

Chair of magistrates Jeffrey Dodd told the defendant: "You were frank and open about it. You felt the need to have that article with you – and that is the problem; you have committed a very serious offence.

"You have learned a big lesson here. Going anywhere in a non-combative situation while armed is very serious indeed."

Wilks was ordered to pay a £666 fine, plus £266 victim surcharge and £120 court costs, totalling £1,052.

The court was told Wilks would likely face further disciplinary action at the barracks following the conclusion of the court case.