A HOMELESS man convicted for the 100th time was jailed after Chester Magistrates Court heard he wanted to have shelter during the winter.

John Moore, 60, of no fixed abode, had 99 previous convictions for 243 offences, and on Tuesday, November 21, pleaded guilty to two counts of threatening behaviour and one of assaulting an emergency worker.

Moore was due to stand two separate trials on two of the counts, but asked for those to be brought forward so he could change his plea to guilty.

Magistrates sentenced him to 24 weeks in prison after defence solicitor Steven Alis said: "It's a bit of a sad state of affairs when he is asking to be sent to prison."

Prosecuting, Jessica Pridding said on August 12, CCTV officers in Chester spotted a disturbance in Foregate Street, and Moore was arrested and put into custody.

Moore requested to speak to a custody nurse as he was going through withdrawal. The custody nurse assessed him and believed he did not require any medication at the time. In reaction, Moore became verbally abusive and swore at, and insulted the nurse.

On September 2, two men – including Moore – were seen arguing loudly and swearing in Chester. Moore was arrested and during the time he was being handcuffed, he kicked a police officer to the leg.

On October 28, at 11.05pm, Moore was seen heading towards the Eastgate Clock in Chester, intending to "go after a male from Blackburn".

Moore was "constantly" making threats along the lines of "I am going to blow your head off – I am going to end him, he is finished."

The court heard from probation that Moore was on post-sentence supervision until next year, had missed several appointments, and was unsuitable for a drug rehabilitation or an alcohol treatment requirement due to his "chaotic" and "unstable lifestyle", with custody the only option left.

Defending, Mr Alis said for the August offence, the arrest was for something dismissed by the District Judge when the case came to court. Moore disputed what was said in the prosecution, but accepted the language used was not acceptable.

Moore accepted kicking out at a police officer, which happened as he was in pain while being arrested, due to being injured while handcuffed at a previous arrest.

Moore did not have a great recollection of events for October 28, as he had been drinking that day.

Mr Alis added: "He is homeless, quite happy living on the streets in the summer, but in November it's cold and miserable.

"He accepts that by pleading guilty, at least he has got a bed [and shelter]."

Chair of magistrates Maurice McBride told Moore: "Courts take a very dim view of records like these, with similar-type offences; misbehaving in public and assaulting emergency workers who are just trying to do their job."

As well as the 24-week prison sentence, Moore was ordered to pay £50 compensation each to the custody nurse and the police officer, plus a £187 victim surcharge and £120 court costs.

After being told the sum he needed to pay, Moore swore and showed two fingers up to the magistrates bench as he was led down to the cells.