A HOOTON man who had hundreds of indecent images of children has been handed a suspended sentence at Chester Crown Court.

Daniel Seal, 37, previously pleaded guilty at Chester Magistrates Court to all charges.

Prosecuting, Shannon Stewart said police officers visited Seal's address after receiving information that he was in possession of indecent images.

A number of devices, including Seal's computer, iPad and laptop were seized, with a total of 565 indecent images found.

Of those, 70 images and 15 videos were analysed as the most serious category of indecent image, Category A. A further 78 images and four videos were assessed as Category B, and 379 images and 19 videos were category C.

There was also a record of websites and chatrooms which had been linked with indecent images of children.

The court heard on Friday, November 17 that the images, obtained between 2008 and 2022, involved young children seen in some distress.

In police interview, Seal admitted he had found the images sexually stimulating.

He had no previous convictions.

Defending, Peter Barnett said Seal had made admissions in interview and had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity.

Recorder Michael Hayton said: "These are awful offences. The children in these images are suffering – terribly in some cases."

The judge added Seal had a support network, including a partner, which should allow him to "go away" from his "awful interest".

Seal was sentenced to 12 months jail, suspended for 12 months.

He must complete 35 days of a rehabilitation activity requirement and 180 hours unpaid work.

He was handed a 10-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order which restricts his internet usage and must sign the Sex Offenders' Register for 10 years.