A DRUG dealer waiting to learn his fate has returned to court after being caught riding an electric scooter while disqualified from driving.

Daniel Dunne, of Victoria Road, Northwich, was handed a 36-month road ban in December 2020 for drug driving.

And on August 16 this year – with a little less than three months to serve on his ban – the 29-year-old was spotted riding an electric scooter in Manora Road, Northwich.

E-scooters are classed as motor vehicles and riders need to have a licence and insurance. It is also illegal to ride them on the road anywhere in the UK, except on private land and only then with permission.

Dunne, who following a police sting at Hartford Station is set to be sentenced for drug dealing matters later this month, appeared at Chester Magistrates Court on November 7 to be dealt with for the driving offence.

After he pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified, magistrates fined Dunne £120 and endorsed his driving licence with six points.

He was also ordered to pay a further £120 in court costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.