A FUTURISTIC looking eco-friendly home is set to be built on a farm within the green belt.

Plans have been approved by Warrington Borough Council’s planning department for the construction of the dwelling at Woodend Farm, on Woodend Lane in Rixton.

The applicant has permission for the demolition of an existing tyre store building on the site, near to Rixton Clay Pits, and for the erection of a ‘Passivhaus’ dwelling.

Passivhaus refers to buildings designed to rigorous energy-efficient standards to maintain an almost constant temperature.

They are so well constructed, insulated and ventilated that they retain heat from the sun, and the activities of their occupants, requiring very little additional heating or cooling.

Plans state: “In recognition of Warrington Borough Council’s targets to become carbon neutral by 2030, this proposal will therefore be built using low-carbon modern construction methods to create a high-quality, energy-efficient building fabric that will significantly reduce the owners’ operational energy consumption.

“The design will create a sustainable environment that will benefit the residents’ health and wellbeing by improving the thermal comfort and air quality.”

The site is located within a green belt and is surrounded by fields and a small collection of private houses and buildings used for agricultural purposes.

Plans add: “The scale and siting of this new-build low carbon home has been designed with sensitivity to respond to the site’s natural features, and maximise the building’s relationship with the surrounding landscape, woodlands and fields beyond.

“The proposal uses traditional, natural materials with careful considerations to minimise the lifetime carbon of the construction.

“These materials will be detailed to provide a high-quality, contemporary enhancement to the surrounding area.

“This proposal has been designed to be extremely energy-efficient, with ambitions to well-exceed building regulation standards.

“The proposal achieves a low-space heating demand we hope will be welcomed and encouraged in the face of a climate emergency.”

In approving the plans, the council said that the proposal is appropriate for green belt and has the potential to ‘enhance local distinctiveness’.

It is also said that the development should have no adverse impact on neighbouring properties or the highway network, and measures can be put in place to ensure the protection of wildlife.