A NEW CCTV and ANPR system will help to inform a new green strategy for West Chester Commercial Business Improvement District (BID).

Comprising 54 CCTV cameras and three specialist ANPR cameras, the infrastructure has been installed at 14 different locations, and officially went live earlier this year. West Chester Commercial BID say that the system will "enhance safety and security and help tackle climate change."

AI technology has been utilised throughout with all the cameras featuring improved searching and monitoring capabilities, as well as audio and AI analytics.

The system will gather a range of metrics which the BID can use to inform its future environmental strategies including the fuel types of vehicles using the West Cheshire Commercial Business Improvement District (BID) and their European emissions ratings

West Chester BID says that it has been reviewing plans relating to net zero and emissions for some time and the new data provided by the cameras will help to create a "roadmap to a greener and cleaner BID area" for members and employees.

Chester and District Standard: West Chester Commercial BID from the air.West Chester Commercial BID from the air. (Image: Chester BID)

Another benefit of the new system is that businesses can now access ultra-fast broadband using the same Wi-Fi and fibre networks that have been deployed too.

The project was overseen by OneTek, a Business IT, Telecoms and CCTV Solutions provider, which is based in Winsford.

Commenting on the completion of the project, Chair of the West Chester Commercial BID Executive Board, Jordi J Morell, said: "I’m thrilled that the CCTV and ANPR project is now complete. It has been a long process with numerous challenges to overcome along the way, but we now truly have a pioneering system that will benefit both the BID and its businesses for many years to come.

"There will be a number of opportunities for businesses to engage with the BID in order to effectively understand and utilise the capabilities of the system, so please do get involved when the chance arises."

Lee Donaghey, Managing Director, OneTek, said: "It has been a pleasure to engage with the BID board regarding this project. The result is not only a cutting-edge security system, but also a tremendous source of reportable information.

"There has also been a lot of interest in this project beyond West Chester BID. People are keen to see how we deploy these technologies to create a truly SMART place for West Chester BID and its resident businesses."