NEIGHBOURS have slammed plans for a Tebay-style service station on the M56.

Residents believe Cheshire East Council’s strategic planning board has been misled by plans for the new services at junction seven of the motorway.

They say that a gap analysis report used by the applicants, Westmorland Family and Tatton Group, 'fails to properly include the nearby services at Lymm in the analysis'.

These concerns come as the board is due to make a decision on the application tomorrow (October 25).

Mike Dobson, a Mobberley resident, said: “The impact of the development will be devastating, taking trade away from our local businesses.

“Now we discover that the report and the ‘safety’ upon which the plans are justified doesn’t appear to be worth the paper it’s written on.

“There are perfectly adequate facilities at the Lymm service station, adjacent to the M56, which is within eight miles of the proposed location.”

Chester and District Standard: Visual of the planned service stationVisual of the planned service station (Image: Westmorland family)

Another Cheshire East resident, Ashvin Pathak, added: “The traffic in and out of Manchester, local traffic, airport and station traffic and rush hour traffic makes for significant congestion at that junction already.

"Surely an independent traffic survey would reveal that a destination service station at this junction would add to this congestion."

The concept is based on the successful Tebay Services on the M6 and would feature a farm shop, kitchen, and a 100-bedroom hotel.

The planning application states that this would result in the loss of 13 hectares of Grade 2, Green Belt, agricultural land.

Pam Dixon, who lives less than a mile away from the proposed development, said: “The environmental impact of this kind of development will be huge, destroying wildlife habitats and productive farmland.

“Both economic and transport issues are being used to justify development, but it's clear that both are based on incorrect information. I hope the planning committee see sense and throws the plans out.”

Chester and District Standard: The proposed development areaThe proposed development area (Image: Supplied)

However, there are many who are excited by the plans, including the National Trust, Historic England and business leaders.

A National Trust spokesperson said: “We consider that the proposed development is well designed and welcome the approach to sustainable building design, biodiversity net gain and the stated intention to work with the trust and other parties in the development of a sustainable transport network.

“Tatton Services will provide essential economic oxygen to the area when boosting economic prosperity is vital,” added a spokesperson for Cheshire Country Lane and Business Association.

“Schools will have a better understanding of the ‘farm to fork’ ethos.”

Cheshire East planning officers have also recommended the plans are approved.

A report reads: "Overall, the identified benefits of the proposed development are considered to clearly outweigh the harm to the Green Belt by reason of inappropriateness and the other identified harm in this case."