Children and staff at Elton Primary School were left feeling proud of their achievements following their recent Ofsted inspection.

Inspectors rated the school as Good in all areas, saying Elton Primary School and Nursery is “a welcoming and caring school” and one in which “pupils feel safe…and know that staff will listen to them and give them the support that they need.”

The report highlighted that leaders in the school “have high expectations for behaviour. Classrooms are calm - this allows pupils to do their best in lessons.”

Inspectors added: “Pupils behave well," and "leaders have secured important improvements to the quality of education. They are ambitious for the achievement of all pupils including those with special education needs. Pupils achieve well in the majority of subjects, with most of the pupils who attended school regularly reaching the expected standards.”

The inspectors further stated: “Pupils benefit from a wide range of high-quality opportunities that enhance their learning and support their personal development. Pupils understand fairness, equality and diversity. They recognise that 'being unique makes you special' in this inclusive school.”

It was also noted: "Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum for pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, those with SEND and those from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. Teachers are well trained to deliver the curriculum."

Kevin Manning, the school’s headteacher, said that he was proud that all the hard work from children, staff, parents and governors had been acknowledged in such a glowing report.

Chair of Governors, Andrew Canham, added: “It is great news to see Ofsted recognise what we as governors see on a daily basis; the great work being done by staff and children, especially the lovely calm learning environment with children working hard on task and enjoying their lessons.

"With support and encouragement from parents, this means children who attend regularly are able to reach their full potential.”