CHESHIRE Police will be taking part in a national campaign on October 13 marking Secondary Breast Cancer Day which will see more than 50 sites displaying the charity's distinctive colours.

Venues including Blackpool Tower, Camera Obscura, The Falkirk Wheel, St Helens Bridge and Queens University will be joined by Cheshire Police HQ as they are illuminated with pink, purple and teal as part of a campaign designed to 'Shine a Light' on Secondary Breast Cancer day, which is often overlooked amidst the wide narrative around Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October).

It’s estimated that 61,000 people in the UK are currently living with metastatic breast cancer, also known as secondary or advanced breast cancer, a form of the disease that has spread beyond the breast to other parts of the body. It claims 1,000 lives each month in the UK – that’s an average of 31 deaths every day.

The charity’s latest survey of over 100 patients found that many struggled to find information and support following their diagnosis and that there was no regular discussion of the side effects of treatment and the immense impact on their quality of life.

Almost two-thirds (62 per cent) did not find it easy to access information and support and the vast majority (95 per cent) said there is a need for more informed support to help patients and their families deal with the repercussions of such a life-changing diagnosis. Nearly seven out of 10 (69 per cent) of respondents also revealed that the side effects of treatment had an even greater impact on their quality of life than they had expected.

As a result, a huge part of this year’s Shine a Light campaign revolves around the Make 2nds Count patient community and includes a striking collection of photos, Truth be Told, which showcases the visible and hidden aspects of living with secondary breast cancer.

The images, shot by photographer Jennifer Willis from Northern Ireland, aim to shine a light on both sides of daily life – the challenges and the hope, strength and positivity. Some of the amazing women from the patient community across the whole of the UK also share their stories of living well with secondary breast cancer in an inspiring series of videos.

The Truth Be Told campaign will run from October 1, the start of the wider Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It will complement the Shine a Light on Secondaries activity that takes place on October 13 – Secondary Breast Cancer Day featuring more than 50 iconic sites.

For further information about the campaign or to view the full gallery of Truth Be Told images and videos, visit:

For more information or support on secondary breast cancer visit: