A CHESTER community group which has enjoyed rapid growth since its formation a few months ago is set to sit down with several local authority figures at its upcoming meeting.

Blacon Neighbourhood Alliance (BNA), which has recently achieved recognised forum status for the suburb, is a residents group which initially came together in late January, the group has since grown to over 1,000 members. The BNA states that it is a non-political organisation which aims to put together a Neighbourhood Plan in order to 'promote and improve the social, economic and environmental well-being of the area'.

The groups next meeting, set to take place at Blacon High School on Wednesday, March 29, will see Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer in attendance alongside representatives from West Cheshire Voluntary Action; Head of the Education Village in Blacon, Dave Williams and other local community leaders and social organisations like Healthbox and Inspiring Your Future CIC.

Invitations have also been sent to local councillors and social enterprise Avenue Services - which manages a number of services on the Blacon housing estate.

Speaking ahead of the group's meeting in February, Interim Chair, Brian McManus said: "The system that's in place now doesn't fairly represent you as residents, it doesn't allow you to be heard or consulted and you're left in limbo thinking 'How has that happened?'"

He added: "We got together to look at the issues in Blacon and we realised what the problem was. We realised we need to get structured and to approach it in an appropriate and responsible manner and that's what we've done."

The BNA list several long term goals including exploring the opportunity for a parish or community council for the area, developing additional youth provision and establishing a Blacon Community Trust Fund. The group say that they are committed to working with Cheshire West and Chester Council and other local organisations and recently gave a presentation at the Blacon Councillors Forum, who confirmed they would work with the group on plans concerning neighbourhood management.

The BNA say membership of the Alliance will be open to all individuals aged 16 or over who live, work, study or volunteer in Blacon. Their next meeting will take place at Blacon High School at 6pm on March 29, further information can be found on the group's Facebook page.