A COMMUNITY centre in Chester has been given a grant to upgrade the building's lighting and reduce its carbon footprint.

Campbell Community Hall in Boughton has received £2,000 from the CCEL (Chester Community Energy Ltd) Community Benefit Fund for the replacement of their existing lighting with energy efficient LED versions.

Having been a part of the area for 125 years, Campbell Community Hall provides facilities for a number of local groups and organisations including City Church, Soul Kitchen, St Luke’s Homeless Drop In, Chester Fenix CIC, Aisatsu Karate Club and the Monday Yoga class. It is also an important resource for the homeless, young people and those who are marginalised in the local community.

The funding has provided improvements in the main Hall and adjoining smaller meeting rooms, coffee lounge and kitchen. It will also help the venue to reduce its electricity costs in light of the recent hikes in energy costs and become more sustainable.

John Leake, Chairman of the Campbell Community Hall Management Committee, said: "This grant has come at a very important time for the Hall. We are facing unprecedented increases in energy costs and this has stretched our ability to support local groups who are providing an important service to people locally and across Chester, without incurring significant losses. It will also significantly improve the quality of our facilities in terms of its brightness and suitability for a range of activities."

CCEL makes grants available to local community groups and charities to provide energy efficiency measures which reduce energy bills and reduce green-house gasses and pollution. The organisation has also provided Dial West Cheshire and Caldy Valley Neighbourhood Centre with grants as part of its 2023 Community Benefit Fund.

Graham Booth, a director of CCEL Community Benefit Fund, said: "It’s wonderful to see the work of the Campbell Community Hall and the groups that use this important community facility, and to be able to play a part in helping make the operation more sustainable both financially and from an environmental perspective.

"There are so many local voluntary groups providing excellent support to their communities and we would love to offer more help. Even though government financial support and incentives for renewable energy are not available anymore, CCEL are working hard to grow the business so that more money can be re-cycled back into the community. Like many other community energy organisations, we are looking for ways to bring energy generation into community ownership and share the rewards within our communities."

The grant is open to applications annually in October and is capped at a maximum of £2000. Guidance notes and application forms are advertised in a Cheshire West Voluntary Action (CWVA) newsletter before the 6 weeks application window. If an organisation or group is not registered with the CWVA they can apply by contacting Graham Booth on 01244 401272 or email enquiries@chesterva.org.uk. Application forms have to be returned by 22nd December in 2023.

Further information is available via the CCEL website.