CHESHIRE West and Chester Council have said that there are no immediate plans to demolish Upton Youth Club, after discussions were held about the site's future earlier this month.

Cllr Jill Houlbrook questioned why residents were being asked to 'put their hands in their pockets' to pay for the demolition, also claiming that the community cannot do anything with the building as it is dangerous and needs to be knocked down.

The Conservative councillor met with members of the public at Upton pavilion to learn more about the possibilities for the clubhouse on Wealstone Lane, a meeting which was attended by Tim Dodd, Head of Property Services for the Council.

Cllr Houlbrook said that during the meeting the Council had brought forward its proposal to make the building the subject of an asset transfer after initially saying this would not begin until after May 4.

Cllr Houlbrook said this would mean that due to local elections a period of purdah, which begins on March 17, would disrupt the asset transfer process and prevent her from working with officers and communicating to them the desires of the community. The three month period would also be over before the May elections.

The Council have now responded, saying that there are currently no plans for demolition and that consultation over the future of the building will now take place in the summer.

A spokesperson for Cheshire West and Chester Council said: "A range of initial options were discussed at a recent public meeting, listening to community wishes for the future of Upton Youth Club.

"In the interests of safety, the site has been secured. There are no immediate plans for any demolition work to take place.

"The proposal is to promote the site and buildings as a potential Community Asset Transfer for a period of up to three months.

"Following the feedback given at the meeting this process will take place over the summer of this year. We look forward to ongoing discussions over the future of the Youth Club."