A BOOK which began as a project to connect a young girl with her grandparents has been published this week by a woman from Chester.

Kate Halewood started to write White Rabbits around a year after the passing of her mother and father. Kate, who grew up in Wallasey but now lives in Chester, had hoped that it would help her niece Katherine to feel closer to the grandparents, who she had sadly lost before her first birthday.

The book was officially released yesterday (Wednesday, September 8) and centres around characters Katie and Caroline, two young girls who have received pet rabbits; Snow White and Snowy.

Exploring love, laughter and loss, the tale has a personal significance for the writer.

Speaking on social media, the first-time author said: "A year or so after Mum and Dad passed away, I secretly started writing a story for Katherine, my niece, about a childhood event in our family life. I hoped it would help her feel more connected to her Grandad and Granny Bradbury.

"Katherine got that book on August Bank Holiday weekend as two generations of Bradbury girls came together to have fun at the Crocky Trail.

"Today would have been my Dad's 84th birthday, and so I thought it a fitting day to share that I'm now publishing that story with a few extra hopes in mind.

"I hope my parents memory will be immortalised by this book and that they would have been proud of me for writing the story.

"I hope my relatives and friends who feature in the book get a kick out of being in it and of course, I hope my readers are touched by what unfolds in White Rabbits.

"But most of all, I wish I could have one more conversation with Mum and Dad, hear them laugh again, and feel the reciprocated love in our cuddles.

"That's not a wish I can make come true but I'm so thankful I have such precious childhood family memories to keep and share."

White Rabbits can now be purchased via Amazon, or simply click on this link.