HUNDREDS of underprivileged children across Cheshire and Flintshire will receive presents this Christmas, thanks to Chester-based charity KidsBank.

Thousands of presents, donated by local businesses and the public, have been sorted and packed by KidsBank volunteers, to be delivered on Christmas Eve.

More than 240 children, from birth, to 18, as well as their parents, will receive sacks of brand new toys, games, and books, as well as chocolates and treats.

KidsBank volunteer Katie Henderson helped co-ordinate the Christmas Toy appeal, which began in October.

She said: “We’ve been overwhelmed by the generosity shown by the public.

“When we launched the appeal, we had no idea what to expect, so we didn’t want to promise the families on our lists too much, but we’ve received thousands of gifts, as well as financial donations, it’s been amazing.

"Now we can give presents to families who otherwise would have struggled to provide for their children this Christmas.”

KidsBank, which was founded in 2019 in response to rising child poverty in the area, helps provide clothing, toiletries and baby equipment to children in the Cheshire and Flintshire area.

It relies on donations and funding from the public to help those in need.

Katie added: “2020 has been a hard year for everyone, but I think it’s also helped people put their priorities into perspective. People have started to realise what’s actually important, and they want to give back to their community.

"We had so many more donations than we were expecting, people have been so kind and generous. We haven’t had to turn any referrals away.

"After the year we’ve all had, I think we all just want to make sure as many children as possible can have a good Christmas and take the stress out of it for parents who are going through a hard time.”

Founder of KidsBank, Cathy Pettingale, added: “We’re so happy to be able to bring a bit of Christmas cheer to families this year. The volunteers at KidsBank have put hundreds of hours into collecting, sorting, and packing the gifts. They’ve done a fantastic job.

“Local businesses have also been very supportive, either by donating gifts, funds, or acting as collection points. We’d like to thank Marks and Spencer, John Lewis, British Gas, Data Solutions, Sophia Bailey Aesthetics, Big Yellow Storage and Northgate Church, to name but a few.

“The work doesn’t stop after Christmas though.

"Families will still need support throughout 2021, as the effects of the economic downturn are felt across the region. KidsBank needs funding, and as we grow, we also need to find larger premises. So that will be our focus in the new year.”

For more information about KidsBank, visit