CHILDREN of Newton Primary School held an 'Action day' as part of the global protest against climate change.

The pupils took part in a variety of activities designed to improve their local environment in a very practical way.

This included a litter-pick of the school grounds and the Millennium Greenway; planting 12 native trees; examining their lunchboxes and discussing how plastic items could be replaced; sorting items for recycling; and touring the school to see where energy could be saved.

They also created signs to encourage people to save energy and put their rubbish in the bins and wrote letters to parents and local officials asking for change.

In addition, a group of children made their own banners and held their own demonstration to protest about climate change.

One pupil said: "Normally people listen to the grown-ups, but with the climate crisis, children are doing all the work, because we believe it needs to stop! We don't want global warming. Greta Thunberg inspires millions of people, including me!"