PARTS of Flintshire will be underwater if global temperatures increase by 2° C, researchers have said.

Climate Central - comprised of scientists and science journalists - has warned that 130 million people across the world will lose their homes if temperatures rise.

World leaders are attempting to limit a temperature rise to 2° C above pre-industrial levels come the year 2100, but Climate Central says even that will be enough to cause widespread devastation as water levels rise.

The organisation has formulated interactive maps to show what it thinks parts of the world will look like depending on how much sea levels rise by come 2100.

A 2° C would see areas of Flint completely submerged, including the coast road, as well as parts of Sealand, Shotton and Queensferry.

But why do sea levels rise in hotter temperatures?

Huge continental ice glaciers at the poles are now melting faster than they form from snowfall loading more water around the earth, ice at high altitude melts at higher points and as with all things, heat makes the oceans expand.