A controversial application to develop a building within Alexandra Park in Hoole has been approved by Cheshire West and Chester Council.

Permission to add a single story extension and detached garage to Alexandra Park Lodge was granted to the applicant, Stephen Cooper, at a meeting of the planning committee.

The Lodge built in 1913 as a municipal building to house the park superintendent was sold by the council in 2013, and has since been in private residential ownership.

The planning application was brought before the committee by Cllr Alex Black on the grounds of there being substantial public interest in the site.

Cllr Black objected to the plans to build a garage on top of a 'soakaway' drain that serves a small Scottish Power substation directly adjacent to the Lodge.

He said: “Scottish Power have a 99 year lease on the land where the substation is built.

“When the lease was taken out in 1961, the land upon which the substation is built was not part of the garden of Alexandra Park Lodge. It was outside the hedge boundary. That land at the back of the substation now appears to be part of the garden.

“At some stage there has been some sort of a land grab. I don’t know who has done that, when or why. This soakaway is on that land and that is where the garage is supposed to be built.

“I’m sure the idea of a soakaway was put there for good reason. It serves a building that carries thousands of volts of electricity serving the people of Hoole and it must be there for a safety reason.”

The committee determined that the lease issue is a civil matter to be resolved between the applicant and SP Manweb and is not a material planning consideration.

Another concern about the proposed development was that it would have a negative impact on the character and appearance of Alexandra Park, which sits within the Hoole Road Conservation Area.

Having seen the plans for the extension and visited the site, Cllr Eleanor Johnson did not think it was necessary to refuse the planning permission.

She said: “I’m aware that this lodge is a sensitive site and that it is an iconic building in the park.

“The single storey extension will not be seen from the park. It is behind the two storey house and the garage is more like a gazebo with open sides, a roof and four pillars.”

The committee voted eight to two in favour of the developments.

In summary, the planning department's report to the committee states: “It is considered that the proposed extension and garage would be in keeping with the scale and character of the existing dwelling and would not detract from the surrounding area.

“The proposal is not considered to result in an unacceptable detrimental impact on the amenities which the occupiers of neighbouring properties can reasonably expect to enjoy.”

The extension to Alexandra Park Lodge can begin on the conditions that the development is in accordance with approved plans and commences within three years.